Everest Institute-Dearborn is a Private not-for-profit school located in Dearborn, MI. Everest Institute-Dearborn has a total enrollment of 358 with a graduation rate of 48% and a student/faculty ratio of 45:1.
If SAT (scholastic aptitude test) scores are required for admission to this school, both the SAT range and the national SAT averages will be displayed above. The SAT range is a reflection of the range of SAT scores that are generally (but not always) required to attend the school. The national SAT average distribution graph shows the average SAT scores for every school in the country. The Everest Institute-Dearborn SAT range (if available) is highlighted in blue to give students a general idea of what their SAT scores would need to be to attend Everest Institute-Dearborn.
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